Distance Information

Gonzaga will play 2174 miles from home.
Results of games played at the most similar distances:

Dist Opponent Score Date
2677 Davidson W 90-65 Fri 11/29 8:30p
2677 Indiana W 89-73 Thu 11/28 2:30p
2677 W Virginia L 86-78 Wed 11/27 2:30p
1033 San Diego St W 80-67 Mon 11/18 10:00p

Connecticut will play 118 miles from home.
Results of games played at the most similar distances:

Dist Opponent Score Date
23 Maryland ES W 99-45 Sat 11/30 7:00p
23 Le Moyne W 90-49 Wed 11/13 7:00p
23 N Hampshire W 92-53 Sat 11/9 8:00p