Distance Information

F Dickinson will play 184 miles from home.
Results of games played at the most similar distances:

Dist Opponent Score Date
179 Boston Col L 78-70 Sat 12/28 4:00p
90 Villanova L 86-72 Wed 12/11 7:00p
87 La Salle L 77-72 Wed 12/18 6:30p
44 Fairfield L 78-74 Sun 12/1 2:00p

Le Moyne is playing at home.
Results of most recent home games:

Dist Opponent Score Date
0 W 106-51 Sat 12/14 2:00p
0 Binghamton L 72-62 Sat 12/7 6:00p
0 Army L 103-100 Tue 12/3 7:00p
0 W 107-73 Sat 11/9 7:00p