Distance Information

Mercyhurst will play 135 miles from home.
Results of games played at the most similar distances:

Dist Opponent Score Date
173 W Virginia L 67-46 Sun 12/22 2:00p
94 Kent St L 82-57 Sun 12/15 5:00p
214 Binghamton L 62-60 Wed 12/18 5:00p
267 Morgan St W 78-73 Wed 11/6 6:00p

St Fran (PA) is playing at home.
Results of most recent home games:

Dist Opponent Score Date
0 Stonehill L 64-60 Sun 1/5 2:00p
0 Central Conn L 74-59 Fri 1/3 7:00p
0 W 104-47 Thu 12/19 7:00p
0 W 107-55 Wed 12/4 7:00p