NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
6.5 6.5 Miami Southeast 58.3 23.7 -699 -6479 -421 -130 +179 +415
5.6 5.6 San Antonio Southwest 56.2 25.8 +125 -1567 -175 +167 +378 +728
5.3 5.3 Golden State Pacific 55.3 26.7 -151 -1274 -157 +185 +426 +812
4.4 4.4 Indiana Central 54.0 28.0 +110 -1869 -185 +178 +455 +1118
4.4 4.4 Okla City Northwest 52.9 29.1 -171 -794 -114 +261 +619 +1237
4.2 4.2 Houston Southwest 52.1 29.9 +280 -641 +103 +297 +688 +1358
4.0 4.0 LA Clippers Pacific 50.9 31.1 +182 -537 +115 +326 +759 +1538
3.9 3.9 Chicago Central 51.9 30.1 +179 -1044 -141 +220 +546 +1301
3.8 3.8 Memphis Southwest 50.4 31.6 +381 -462 +127 +356 +823 +1663
3.4 3.4 Brooklyn Atlantic 50.4 31.6 -111 -821 -119 +271 +686 +1704
2.1 2.1 New York Atlantic 47.5 34.5 +178 -452 +141 +453 +1229 +3343
1.8 1.8 Denver Northwest 45.1 36.9 +322 -199 +268 +788 +1963 +4271
1.1 1.1 Dallas Southwest 43.6 38.4 +1379 -145 +374 +1161 +3186 +7855
-0.4 -0.4 Detroit Central 40.5 41.5 +1262 -150 +389 +1332 +3919 +12236
-0.5 -0.5 Cleveland Central 40.7 41.3 +1150 -159 +369 +1265 +3743 +11664
-0.8 -0.8 Minnesota Northwest 38.5 43.5 +968 +148 +776 +2635 +8191 +22590
-0.9 -0.9 Atlanta Southeast 38.6 43.4 +1523 -105 +502 +1772 +5376 +18963
-1.6 -1.6 Washington Southeast 37.2 44.8 +1884 +122 +670 +2427 +7653 +27711
-1.7 -1.7 New Orleans Southwest 35.4 46.6 +5852 +237 +1241 +4307 +13652 +40570
-1.8 -1.8 Toronto Atlantic 36.4 45.6 +1135 +138 +712 +2589 +8424 +32036
-2.2 -2.2 LA Lakers Pacific 34.7 47.3 +4708 +291 +1805 +7065 +25426 +92588
-3.0 -3.0 Portland Northwest 31.8 50.2 +3085 +452 +2474 +9210 +31894 +109953
-3.2 -3.2 Sacramento Pacific 32.2 49.8 +5276 +427 +2526 +9445 +31470 +100938
-3.5 -3.5 Milwaukee Central 31.7 50.3 +7592 +294 +1772 +7495 +28298 +113249
-3.9 -3.9 Boston Atlantic 30.6 51.4 +3746 +360 +2127 +8486 +29985 +142219
-4.6 -4.6 Charlotte Southeast 28.6 53.4 +11528 +467 +2911 +13050 +53281 +263550
-5.1 -5.1 Utah Northwest 26.5 55.5 +12721 +1453 +9248 +39022 +152197 +587136
-5.4 -5.4 Orlando Southeast 26.6 55.4 +21639 +770 +5471 +26109 +126220 +669358
-5.4 -5.4 Phoenix Pacific 26.3 55.7 +18419 +1402 +10437 +43138 +165196 +693639
-6.5 -6.5 Philadelphia Atlantic 25.0 57.0 +13058 +1074 +8296 +40241 +219538 >+999999