NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
6.9 2.5 San Antonio Southwest 60.1 21.9 -488 -10770 -358 -112 +207 +431
6.5 0.7 Miami Southeast 58.3 23.7 -1055 -71329 -827 -177 +170 +404
6.4 0.1 Indiana Central 60.3 21.7 -275 -99901 -807 -177 +176 +417
5.7 -0.1 LA Clippers Pacific 56.2 25.8 -114 -3806 -200 +163 +405 +867
5.4 0.3 Golden State Pacific 55.4 26.6 +116 -2532 -172 +189 +459 +991
4.7 1.9 Chicago Central 54.3 27.7 +283 -13058 -342 +151 +449 +1102
3.9 0.2 Okla City Northwest 51.7 30.3 +121 -785 +117 +386 +1015 +2413
3.8 2.4 Minnesota Northwest 50.9 31.1 +155 -764 +127 +429 +1121 +2693
2.7 -0.3 Houston Southwest 47.5 34.5 +1192 -323 +240 +821 +2293 +6095
2.4 0.5 Dallas Southwest 47.4 34.6 +1248 -292 +260 +857 +2363 +6341
1.2 1.1 Atlanta Southeast 44.9 37.1 +1226 -801 +151 +835 +3020 +10899
0.7 0.9 Portland Northwest 44.1 37.9 +821 -140 +520 +1944 +6448 +20334
0.7 -1.5 Memphis Southwest 41.2 40.8 +6844 +137 +771 +2519 +7775 +24767
0.4 1.7 Denver Northwest 40.4 41.6 +2065 +179 +950 +3195 +10471 +35047
0.0 -1.2 Brooklyn Atlantic 40.7 41.3 +146 -270 +263 +1485 +5562 +21086
-0.3 0.3 Toronto Atlantic 40.0 42.0 +181 -248 +321 +1908 +7663 +33480
-1.1 -0.5 New Orleans Southwest 35.8 46.2 +23710 +471 +2619 +8809 +32158 +117861
-1.1 -0.3 Detroit Central 38.2 43.8 +17757 -156 +494 +2606 +10749 +45375
-1.6 -2.4 New York Atlantic 36.4 45.6 +424 -113 +631 +3672 +16687 +84657
-2.1 0.7 Phoenix Pacific 35.7 46.3 +23710 +513 +3691 +15446 +66771 +275452
-2.1 -0.8 Washington Southeast 34.8 47.2 +17141 +140 +1079 +5526 +26806 +154458
-2.9 -0.3 LA Lakers Pacific 32.3 49.7 -- +1462 +11539 +51381 +248605 >+999999
-2.9 -1.2 Orlando Southeast 33.8 48.2 +26216 +166 +1573 +8872 +46434 +265890
-3.8 1.2 Sacramento Pacific 28.5 53.5 +166567 +3659 +24046 +91800 +340230 >+999999
-4.2 -1.1 Boston Atlantic 30.2 51.8 +2709 +450 +3878 +28723 +208080 >+999999
-4.3 -1.3 Cleveland Central 30.1 51.9 -- +423 +4440 +29574 +212488 >+999999
-4.8 -0.1 Charlotte Southeast 30.2 51.8 +62400 +377 +4514 +30656 +218142 >+999999
-5.4 -1.9 Milwaukee Central 26.5 55.5 -- +950 +10586 +61916 +463725 >+999999
-7.0 -1.7 Philadelphia Atlantic 25.6 56.4 +8672 +1397 +18775 +211791 >+999999 >+999999
-7.7 0.0 Utah Northwest 18.8 63.2 -- +499900 >+999999 >+999999 >+999999 >+999999