NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
7.9 -0.1 Golden State Pacific 61.2 20.8 -1024 -10001 -498 -163 +138 +261
6.1 0.2 Boston Atlantic 56.8 25.2 +129 -8521 -372 -113 +212 +524
5.6 0.7 Toronto Atlantic 56.7 25.3 +142 -5817 -318 +103 +255 +630
4.5 -0.2 Utah Northwest 52.2 29.8 +133 -862 -118 +267 +695 +1412
4.4 -1.7 Houston Southwest 51.0 31.0 +150 -598 -103 +286 +724 +1446
3.9 2.1 New Orleans Southwest 51.6 30.4 +125 -731 +102 +323 +874 +1813
3.4 0.6 Denver Northwest 49.4 32.6 +245 -436 +134 +413 +1089 +2287
3.4 -0.4 Philadelphia Atlantic 50.5 31.5 +576 -1197 -121 +281 +726 +1961
2.9 1.1 Milwaukee Central 50.4 31.6 -117 -1299 -109 +324 +885 +2517
2.1 0.4 Indiana Central 47.3 34.7 +190 -614 +139 +476 +1284 +3766
1.4 -0.5 LA Lakers Pacific 43.3 38.7 +1429 -138 +345 +1083 +3059 +7257
1.4 -1.0 Okla City Northwest 43.5 38.5 +851 -146 +357 +1148 +3388 +8329
1.2 0.0 San Antonio Southwest 43.8 38.2 +633 -149 +346 +1125 +3373 +8264
1.1 -0.5 Washington Southeast 44.3 37.7 +123 -336 +218 +753 +2130 +6786
0.8 0.5 Portland Northwest 42.8 39.2 +957 -127 +408 +1364 +4118 +10185
0.8 0.0 Minnesota Northwest 42.2 39.8 +1136 -106 +474 +1571 +4816 +12438
-0.1 1.9 Charlotte Southeast 41.3 40.7 +247 -185 +386 +1444 +4587 +17022
-0.6 0.1 Miami Southeast 40.2 41.8 +312 -146 +474 +1758 +5681 +22570
-1.1 -0.2 Detroit Central 39.1 42.9 +954 -115 +583 +2234 +7272 +28577
-1.2 0.6 LA Clippers Pacific 37.3 44.7 +5456 +212 +1141 +4187 +14356 +44652
-3.2 1.3 Phoenix Pacific 32.1 49.9 +19900 +613 +3451 +13509 +52394 +178907
-3.3 -1.3 Dallas Southwest 30.9 51.1 +12246 +732 +4224 +16827 +68141 +243225
-3.4 -0.9 Memphis Southwest 31.4 50.6 +10538 +755 +4365 +17280 +67859 +244082
-3.6 0.0 Brooklyn Atlantic 31.9 50.1 +62400 +345 +2405 +10585 +45166 +257924
-3.9 0.0 Cleveland Central 30.7 51.3 +6611 +450 +3096 +13063 +53751 +285031
-4.7 1.1 New York Atlantic 29.2 52.8 +99900 +609 +4690 +21283 +95529 +575397
-5.4 -0.5 Chicago Central 27.9 54.1 +13599 +751 +6157 +30596 +132882 +683989
-5.7 -1.6 Orlando Southeast 27.2 54.8 +5518 +962 +7793 +39477 +191973 >+999999
-6.2 -0.4 Sacramento Pacific 24.1 57.9 +166567 +4508 +34363 +168829 +888447 >+999999
-8.7 -1.3 Atlanta Southeast 19.5 62.5 +49900 +9609 +104511 +561063 >+999999 >+999999