NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
7.9 -0.1 Golden State Pacific 60.9 21.1 -1755 -13233 -540 -171 +132 +245
6.3 1.3 Toronto Atlantic 58.8 23.2 -174 -22122 -494 -149 +159 +412
4.7 1.9 Denver Northwest 53.5 28.5 -109 -1331 -147 +222 +598 +1181
4.6 -2.1 Boston Atlantic 53.1 28.9 +286 -3278 -224 +146 +371 +981
4.6 -1.5 Houston Southwest 51.3 30.7 +144 -811 -120 +260 +677 +1323
3.9 2.2 New Orleans Southwest 52.0 30.0 +122 -908 -109 +302 +834 +1673
3.4 -1.3 Utah Northwest 48.8 33.2 +280 -462 +133 +426 +1143 +2368
2.9 1.1 Milwaukee Central 50.8 31.2 -120 -1458 -123 +280 +761 +2193
2.6 -0.4 Philadelphia Atlantic 48.2 33.8 +865 -902 +107 +368 +996 +3038
2.3 0.5 Indiana Central 47.7 34.3 +190 -779 +120 +410 +1107 +3397
1.3 -0.4 Washington Southeast 45.0 37.0 +109 -387 +192 +652 +1813 +5906
1.1 0.8 Portland Northwest 43.2 38.8 +971 -145 +372 +1294 +4042 +10071
0.9 0.1 Minnesota Northwest 42.2 39.8 +1200 -117 +445 +1523 +4780 +12124
0.8 -0.3 San Antonio Southwest 42.9 39.1 +847 -144 +396 +1377 +4391 +11049
0.5 -1.4 LA Lakers Pacific 40.1 41.9 +2996 +121 +580 +1918 +5965 +15404
0.1 -2.4 Okla City Northwest 39.5 42.5 +2147 +142 +675 +2306 +7421 +19399
-0.4 1.6 Charlotte Southeast 41.1 40.9 +263 -186 +405 +1520 +4912 +19732
-0.7 -0.1 Miami Southeast 39.4 42.6 +416 -127 +511 +1849 +5817 +23168
-0.8 1.0 LA Clippers Pacific 39.0 43.0 +4900 +168 +987 +3904 +14291 +42926
-1.0 -0.1 Detroit Central 40.3 41.7 +874 -155 +485 +1834 +6118 +25081
-2.0 0.4 Memphis Southwest 35.7 46.3 +4425 +307 +1723 +6977 +27428 +87921
-3.0 -1.0 Dallas Southwest 32.5 49.5 +8991 +578 +3272 +13331 +53459 +185938
-4.0 0.1 Orlando Southeast 31.6 50.4 +2083 +373 +2793 +12359 +56532 +381777
-4.2 -0.6 Brooklyn Atlantic 30.3 51.7 +47519 +513 +3323 +13658 +55241 +303917
-4.4 1.4 New York Atlantic 29.2 52.8 +249900 +639 +4685 +20276 +96560 +706529
-4.5 0.0 Phoenix Pacific 28.7 53.3 +90809 +1413 +9948 +43642 +213541 +808681
-5.0 0.8 Sacramento Pacific 27.4 54.6 +199900 +2142 +17917 +91479 +444351 >+999999
-5.5 -1.5 Cleveland Central 26.2 55.8 +30203 +1279 +9314 +41461 +209542 >+999999
-5.5 -0.7 Chicago Central 26.6 55.4 +28471 +1211 +9197 +44264 +198187 >+999999
-6.9 0.5 Atlanta Southeast 23.9 58.1 +14186 +2264 +20161 +104094 +602045 >+999999