NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
5.2 0.2 Boston Atlantic 55.0 27.0 -160 -2595 -367 -127 +177 +390
4.7 0.5 Denver Northwest 53.4 28.6 -144 -917 -186 +135 +279 +539
4.4 -0.3 Milwaukee Central 52.9 29.1 -116 -1516 -270 +104 +240 +528
3.9 0.0 Phoenix Pacific 51.1 30.9 +191 -655 -130 +201 +439 +878
3.0 -0.1 Cleveland Central 49.8 32.2 +177 -722 +125 +454 +1476 +4255
2.8 0.3 Philadelphia Atlantic 48.1 33.9 +327 -556 +102 +323 +871 +2186
2.4 1.3 Okla City Northwest 47.6 34.4 +273 -290 +216 +678 +1855 +4412
2.4 1.0 Sacramento Pacific 46.6 35.4 +451 -237 +217 +637 +1680 +3946
2.2 -0.2 LA Lakers Pacific 46.3 35.7 +522 -244 +157 +398 +889 +1856
2.2 -0.4 Golden State Pacific 45.7 36.3 +595 -204 +178 +439 +973 +2032
2.1 0.2 LA Clippers Pacific 46.4 35.6 +487 -229 +190 +517 +1242 +2745
1.8 0.7 New Orleans Southwest 46.0 36.0 +152 -220 +242 +738 +2013 +4818
1.3 0.3 Dallas Southwest 44.8 37.2 +203 -161 +227 +590 +1381 +3048
1.1 -0.7 Memphis Southwest 43.0 39.0 +300 -126 +354 +1038 +2809 +7090
1.0 -0.3 Minnesota Northwest 42.3 39.7 +709 -120 +468 +1591 +4893 +13954
1.0 -0.2 New York Atlantic 43.0 39.0 +938 -207 +270 +939 +2926 +9295
0.3 -0.6 Miami Southeast 43.0 39.0 +167 -186 +228 +692 +1910 +5226
-0.2 1.6 Orlando Southeast 41.2 40.8 +228 -144 +364 +1267 +4220 +14305
-0.4 -0.5 Atlanta Southeast 39.9 42.1 +307 -110 +435 +1467 +4862 +16677
-0.5 0.9 Indiana Central 40.3 41.7 +1211 -118 +518 +2044 +7565 +28698
-1.6 0.1 Brooklyn Atlantic 36.5 45.5 +3982 +165 +689 +2257 +6948 +22823
-1.9 0.3 Toronto Atlantic 36.9 45.1 +3290 +157 +638 +2077 +6458 +22496
-2.8 -1.3 Chicago Central 33.4 48.6 +4802 +286 +1443 +5553 +20819 +86662
-2.9 -1.0 Utah Northwest 32.4 49.6 +6567 +567 +2819 +10480 +36449 +119145
-3.4 0.5 Charlotte Southeast 32.9 49.1 +1337 +334 +1800 +7402 +30948 +139971
-4.8 0.6 Detroit Central 28.8 53.2 +17444 +765 +4121 +16667 +67098 +297890
-4.9 -0.3 San Antonio Southwest 27.4 54.6 +8164 +1748 +7196 +22048 +70648 +223777
-5.3 -1.6 Houston Southwest 26.9 55.1 +9159 +1924 +10662 +42785 +175312 +756433
-5.3 -0.2 Portland Northwest 26.8 55.2 +28471 +2074 +12805 +52092 +250838 >+999999
-7.9 -0.9 Washington Southeast 21.5 60.5 +18768 +5002 +31910 +161131 +691074 >+999999