NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
5.3 0.3 Boston Atlantic 55.7 26.3 -166 -3147 -405 -137 +171 +390
4.9 0.7 Denver Northwest 54.3 27.7 -152 -1312 -214 +121 +253 +488
4.4 -0.3 Milwaukee Central 53.0 29.0 -141 -1381 -275 -100 +234 +518
4.0 0.1 Phoenix Pacific 51.6 30.4 +165 -679 -135 +194 +426 +848
2.9 0.3 Golden State Pacific 48.0 34.0 +384 -311 +127 +328 +739 +1530
2.8 1.7 Okla City Northwest 49.2 32.8 +259 -403 +183 +615 +1765 +4314
2.8 0.3 Philadelphia Atlantic 48.2 33.8 +356 -559 -101 +307 +818 +2079
2.6 -0.5 Cleveland Central 48.3 33.7 +228 -589 +149 +584 +1990 +6212
2.2 -0.2 LA Lakers Pacific 46.6 35.4 +489 -238 +157 +400 +903 +1885
1.8 -0.2 LA Clippers Pacific 44.9 37.1 +665 -177 +236 +652 +1655 +3819
1.8 0.7 New Orleans Southwest 46.2 35.8 +142 -213 +250 +772 +2105 +4967
1.7 0.3 Sacramento Pacific 44.2 37.8 +770 -159 +313 +950 +2632 +6725
1.4 0.3 New York Atlantic 44.9 37.1 +770 -291 +212 +762 +2436 +7681
1.3 0.2 Dallas Southwest 44.7 37.3 +194 -173 +227 +609 +1490 +3324
1.0 -0.3 Minnesota Northwest 42.5 39.5 +873 -118 +480 +1634 +5116 +13923
0.9 -0.9 Memphis Southwest 42.2 39.8 +343 -111 +412 +1243 +3415 +8623
0.4 -0.5 Miami Southeast 42.7 39.3 +151 -202 +220 +688 +1951 +5683
-0.1 1.7 Orlando Southeast 41.9 40.1 +179 -161 +334 +1234 +4110 +14571
-0.5 0.9 Indiana Central 40.2 41.8 +1179 -124 +507 +2018 +7600 +31408
-0.9 -1.1 Atlanta Southeast 37.9 44.1 +400 +120 +585 +2099 +7093 +25704
-1.6 0.1 Brooklyn Atlantic 36.0 46.0 +5081 +173 +742 +2442 +7914 +29851
-1.8 0.3 Toronto Atlantic 36.8 45.2 +4286 +167 +668 +2118 +6679 +24815
-2.7 -0.7 Utah Northwest 33.6 48.4 +6942 +472 +2562 +9465 +34339 +120156
-2.8 -1.3 Chicago Central 33.9 48.1 +4875 +276 +1425 +5736 +23043 +108087
-3.8 1.6 Detroit Central 31.4 50.6 +9074 +419 +2155 +8700 +34808 +154768
-4.5 -0.5 Charlotte Southeast 29.4 52.6 +2532 +646 +3779 +16109 +74715 +394707
-4.8 -0.2 San Antonio Southwest 28.0 54.0 +9246 +1738 +7784 +24957 +86706 +324974
-5.3 -1.6 Houston Southwest 26.6 55.4 +10426 +2351 +14452 +60031 +274797 >+999999
-5.5 -0.3 Portland Northwest 25.8 56.2 +90809 +3045 +20731 +88828 +397075 >+999999
-7.9 -0.9 Washington Southeast 21.3 60.7 +17141 +4305 +29974 +136848 +710764 >+999999