NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
5.2 0.2 Boston Atlantic 55.3 26.7 -160 -3278 -425 -142 +167 +391
4.9 0.7 Denver Northwest 54.2 27.8 -142 -1248 -208 +128 +274 +525
4.7 0.8 Phoenix Pacific 53.4 28.6 +124 -1068 -174 +155 +342 +665
4.4 -0.2 Milwaukee Central 53.0 29.0 -167 -1521 -300 -107 +221 +504
3.1 0.6 Philadelphia Atlantic 49.4 32.6 +267 -822 -131 +253 +712 +1876
2.9 0.3 Golden State Pacific 48.2 33.8 +416 -335 +127 +333 +755 +1532
2.7 1.6 Okla City Northwest 48.8 33.2 +277 -371 +195 +652 +1904 +4591
2.3 -0.1 LA Lakers Pacific 46.6 35.4 +544 -247 +156 +401 +905 +1864
2.1 1.1 New Orleans Southwest 47.5 34.5 +102 -274 +214 +666 +1845 +4414
1.8 -0.2 LA Clippers Pacific 44.8 37.2 +823 -166 +258 +723 +1828 +4183
1.8 0.5 Minnesota Northwest 44.9 37.1 +614 -187 +347 +1201 +3698 +9926
1.6 0.3 Sacramento Pacific 44.1 37.9 +930 -155 +332 +1047 +2983 +7430
1.6 -1.5 Cleveland Central 45.1 36.9 +460 -335 +238 +961 +3548 +12833
1.3 0.2 Dallas Southwest 44.9 37.1 +190 -170 +237 +644 +1574 +3481
1.0 -0.1 New York Atlantic 43.9 38.1 +1111 -241 +242 +906 +3064 +10904
0.7 2.1 Indiana Central 43.9 38.1 +507 -250 +275 +1075 +3889 +14319
0.1 -1.7 Memphis Southwest 39.5 42.5 +630 +153 +714 +2238 +6715 +18518
-0.1 1.7 Orlando Southeast 41.9 40.1 +149 -174 +309 +1126 +3738 +13369
-0.3 -1.2 Miami Southeast 40.7 41.3 +213 -140 +306 +981 +2915 +9863
-0.9 -1.1 Atlanta Southeast 37.9 44.1 +343 +116 +550 +1933 +6535 +24580
-1.7 0.0 Brooklyn Atlantic 35.7 46.3 +5487 +175 +716 +2414 +7894 +29565
-2.1 0.0 Toronto Atlantic 35.4 46.6 +8097 +200 +815 +2713 +9087 +36649
-3.0 2.4 Detroit Central 34.0 48.0 +4900 +266 +1360 +5385 +22113 +113722
-3.4 -1.4 Utah Northwest 31.7 50.3 +17757 +778 +4899 +21026 +87139 +354324
-3.7 -2.1 Chicago Central 31.1 50.9 +8447 +460 +2429 +10666 +45130 +280332
-4.4 -0.5 Charlotte Southeast 29.8 52.2 +2220 +619 +3445 +15003 +67972 +350579
-4.8 -0.2 San Antonio Southwest 28.0 54.0 +7965 +1699 +7665 +25429 +87802 +287782
-5.3 -1.6 Houston Southwest 26.4 55.6 +9704 +2281 +14264 +58272 +228815 +879774
-5.5 -0.4 Portland Northwest 25.8 56.2 +62400 +2595 +15358 +62036 +247814 >+999999
-7.0 0.0 Washington Southeast 24.3 57.7 +9515 +2432 +16208 +75791 +354249 >+999999