NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
6.6 2.4 Denver Northwest 58.8 23.2 -450 -4102 -405 -139 +158 +271
5.2 0.2 Boston Atlantic 55.5 26.5 -134 -3222 -405 -145 +149 +411
4.7 0.8 Phoenix Pacific 53.5 28.5 +148 -1121 -169 +170 +419 +740
3.9 1.4 Philadelphia Atlantic 51.5 30.5 +212 -1297 -174 +176 +469 +1412
3.3 1.3 LA Clippers Pacific 48.6 33.4 +435 -389 +138 +423 +1126 +2188
3.2 0.7 Golden State Pacific 49.2 32.8 +389 -443 +111 +323 +812 +1514
3.0 -1.7 Milwaukee Central 48.8 33.2 +113 -668 -153 +179 +415 +1173
2.2 -0.2 LA Lakers Pacific 45.9 36.1 +830 -222 +189 +523 +1308 +2493
2.1 1.1 New Orleans Southwest 47.5 34.5 -103 -272 +232 +817 +2507 +5455
1.9 0.5 Sacramento Pacific 45.0 37.0 +922 -186 +315 +1081 +3354 +7503
1.8 0.5 Minnesota Northwest 44.8 37.2 +866 -177 +379 +1428 +4838 +11248
1.5 -1.7 Cleveland Central 44.7 37.3 +316 -285 +257 +984 +3484 +16508
1.2 0.1 Dallas Southwest 44.5 37.5 +197 -156 +273 +817 +2203 +4479
1.1 0.0 New York Atlantic 43.9 38.1 +1132 -248 +232 +806 +2514 +10254
1.0 -0.2 Okla City Northwest 44.0 38.0 +1264 -140 +507 +2029 +7378 +18798
0.7 2.1 Indiana Central 44.0 38.0 +314 -237 +272 +1017 +3405 +15294
0.5 0.3 Atlanta Southeast 42.3 39.7 +179 -183 +278 +925 +2794 +11410
0.2 -1.6 Memphis Southwest 39.8 42.2 +592 +143 +732 +2477 +8079 +19564
-0.1 1.6 Orlando Southeast 41.8 40.2 +213 -153 +330 +1122 +3585 +15455
-0.3 -1.2 Miami Southeast 40.4 41.6 +261 -132 +302 +915 +2626 +10211
-1.7 0.0 Brooklyn Atlantic 35.6 46.4 +6567 +195 +757 +2335 +7209 +32645
-2.1 0.1 Toronto Atlantic 35.4 46.6 +10001 +209 +815 +2505 +7752 +34556
-3.0 2.4 Detroit Central 33.9 48.1 +2930 +282 +1348 +4794 +17502 +98764
-3.3 -1.3 Utah Northwest 31.9 50.1 +20308 +736 +4849 +20362 +90779 +321555
-3.8 -2.2 Chicago Central 30.9 51.1 +6229 +529 +2793 +10813 +45053 +332407
-4.3 -0.4 Charlotte Southeast 29.9 52.1 +2464 +634 +3451 +13473 +57160 +410162
-5.8 -2.1 Houston Southwest 25.3 56.7 +17757 +4084 +36492 +198516 >+999999 >+999999
-6.3 -1.2 Portland Northwest 24.0 58.0 +499900 +6035 +61147 +330347 >+999999 >+999999
-6.4 -1.8 San Antonio Southwest 24.2 57.8 +20308 +4900 +32076 +110593 +430489 >+999999
-6.9 0.1 Washington Southeast 24.2 57.8 +15285 +2709 +18474 +85346 +487954 >+999999