Distance Information

Old Dominion will play 302 miles from home.
Results of games played at the most similar distances:

Dist Opponent Score Date
260 Coastal Car L 79-75 Sat 1/13 3:30p
354 Marshall W 83-76 Thu 2/1 7:00p
180 James Mad L 78-63 Sat 2/3 4:00p
471 Northeastrn L 81-68 Sat 12/2 2:00p

App State is playing at home.
Results of most recent home games:

Dist Opponent Score Date
0 Louisiana W 85-73 Sat 2/17 4:30p
0 Marshall W 73-58 Thu 2/15 6:30p
0 Toledo W 109-104 Sat 2/10 1:00p
0 James Mad W 82-76 Sat 1/27 6:00p