Key Offensive Stats

Stat DUKE adv GT
Points/Game 32.3 26.5
Points/Play 0.458 0.426
Avg Score Margin +13.0 +2.8
Yards/Game 363.7 405.8
Yards/Play 5.1 6.5
TOP % (excl OT) 47.49% 47.63%

Key Defensive Stats

Stat DUKE adv GT
Opp Points/Game 19.3 23.8
Opp Points/Play 0.259 0.394
Opp Yards/Game 299.7 375.8
Opp Yards/Play 4.0 6.2
Takeaways/Game 2.7 0.3
TO Margin/Game +1.3 -0.3
Penalty Yds/Game 58.0 41.5

Duke vs GA Tech Offensive Efficiency

Stat DUKE adv GT
Avg Time of Poss 28:30 28:34
Plays/Game 70.7 62.3
Yards/Play 5.1 6.5
Yards/Rush 3.5 4.8
Yards/Pass 7.0 8.5
Yards/Completion 10.9 11.6
Rush Play % 49.06% 52.61%
QB Sacked % 3.70% 0.00%
Pass Play % 50.94% 47.39%
Completion % 64.42% 72.88%
Int Thrown % 2.88% 0.85%
FG Conversion % 83.33% 33.33%
Points/FGA 2.5 1.0
Punts/Play 0.08 0.04
Punts/Score 1.1 0.7
First Downs/Play 0.269 0.309
3D Conversion % 30.23% 42.55%
4D Conversion % 50.00% 66.67%
RZ Scoring % 84.62% 90.91%
Fumble Rec % 77.78% 75.00%
GA Fumble Rec % 66.67% 66.67%
TA Fumble Rec % 83.33% 100.00%
Penalty Yds/Pen 9.2 8.3
Penalties/Play 0.04 0.04

Duke vs GA Tech Defensive Efficiency

Stat DUKE adv GT
Opp Avg Time of Poss 31:29 31:25
Opp Plays/Game 74.7 60.3
Opp Yards/Play 4.0 6.2
Opp Yards/Rush 4.2 4.0
Opp Yards/Pass 4.1 8.4
Opp Yards/Completion 7.5 12.7
Opp Rush Play % 51.34% 46.89%
Sack % 6.42% 1.56%
Opp Pass Play % 48.66% 53.11%
Opp Completion % 54.90% 65.87%
Opp Int Thrown % 2.94% 0.00%
Opp FG Conv % 50.00% 75.00%
Opp Points/FGA 1.5 2.3
Opp Punts/Play 0.09 0.03
Opp Punts/Score 2.0 0.5
Opp First Downs/Play 0.241 0.336
Opp 3D Conv % 28.00% 40.00%
Opp 4D Conv % 50.00% 70.00%
Opp RZ Scoring % 77.78% 80.00%
Opp Fumble Rec % 22.22% 25.00%
Opp GA Fumble Rec % 16.67% 0.00%
Opp TA Fumble Rec % 33.33% 33.33%
Opp Penalty Yds/Pen 8.5 9.6
Opp Penalties/Play 0.04 0.03