Over/Under Situational Trends

Season 0-3-0 1-3-0
vs Conference 0-1-0 0-0-0
Streak Un 3 Un 3
Last 5 0-3-0 1-3-0
Last 10 0-3-0 1-3-0
Home 0-1-0 1-2-0
Away 0-2-0 0-1-0

Records denote overs-unders-pushes

Georgia Detailed Over/Under Performance

Date H/A/N Opponent Total Score Result +/-
08/31 Neutral Clemson 49.0 34-3 Under -12.0
09/07 Home TN Tech 68.5 48-3 Under -17.5
09/14 Away Kentucky 45.5 13-12 Under -20.5

Mississippi Detailed Over/Under Performance

Date H/A/N Opponent Total Score Result +/-
08/31 Home Furman 60.0 76-0 Over +16.0
09/07 Home Middle Tenn 62.0 52-3 Under -7.0
09/14 Away Wake Forest 66.0 40-6 Under -20.0
09/21 Home GA Southern 68.5 52-13 Under -3.5
Total 54.5 Open 54.5 High 54.5
Last -- Low 54.5

Line Movement

The chart above graphs odds data from a leading global sportsbook. Chart times are your local time zone.

Historical Results of Games with Similar Lines

Historical Results of Games with Similar Line Movement

Totals History

The table below lists odds from three leading global sportsbooks. Times below are Eastern time zone.

  Book 1 Book 2 Book 3
Current -- -- --
Open -- -- --