NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
7.6 1.4 Miami Southeast 61.0 21.0 -1816 (100%) -1629 -315 +110 +253
7.5 0.5 San Antonio Southwest 61.8 20.2 -721 -29312 -446 -147 +148 +335
6.5 -0.5 Indiana Central 61.2 20.8 -595 -249896 -1115 -228 +178 +410
4.9 -0.8 LA Clippers Pacific 53.7 28.3 -135 -1266 -129 +244 +632 +1590
4.4 -1.1 Golden State Pacific 51.9 30.1 +143 -776 +103 +325 +843 +2197
4.2 0.6 Okla City Northwest 52.6 29.4 +119 -882 +106 +332 +871 +2228
4.1 0.6 Minnesota Northwest 50.2 31.8 +265 -501 +136 +412 +1072 +2857
3.8 -0.2 Chicago Central 51.5 30.5 +603 -9334 -291 +243 +844 +2214
3.3 0.8 Houston Southwest 48.5 33.5 +1448 -301 +200 +600 +1571 +4422
2.1 0.0 Dallas Southwest 47.1 34.9 +2351 -218 +320 +1074 +3260 +11068
2.0 1.3 Portland Northwest 48.9 33.1 +360 -328 +262 +933 +2930 +9721
1.6 1.0 Memphis Southwest 44.8 37.2 +6942 -119 +465 +1522 +4585 +15385
1.3 1.1 Atlanta Southeast 46.0 36.0 +1941 -1794 +105 +789 +3131 +11130
1.3 0.7 Denver Northwest 42.8 39.2 +1808 +143 +652 +1957 +5795 +19226
-0.2 0.1 Toronto Atlantic 40.7 41.3 -118 -456 +234 +1921 +8521 +38584
-1.2 1.3 New Orleans Southwest 35.8 46.2 +45355 +819 +3922 +13666 +49929 +231318
-1.6 -0.3 Washington Southeast 37.0 45.0 +41567 -167 +614 +4167 +23856 +131814
-1.8 -1.7 Brooklyn Atlantic 35.3 46.7 +401 -117 +668 +5092 +28921 +175174
-1.8 -1.3 New York Atlantic 35.4 46.6 +376 -113 +669 +5208 +28021 +156267
-1.8 1.3 LA Lakers Pacific 35.8 46.2 +13058 +992 +5433 +20162 +79265 +323203
-2.0 -1.0 Detroit Central 35.5 46.5 +62400 -119 +828 +5406 +31232 +174618
-2.2 0.0 Phoenix Pacific 34.6 47.4 +14186 +1099 +6172 +24289 +99589 +516365
-3.7 0.2 Sacramento Pacific 29.4 52.6 +166567 +6229 +41836 +159060 +654355 >+999999
-4.1 -1.5 Orlando Southeast 30.8 51.2 +249900 +266 +3106 +23348 +186279 >+999999
-4.6 0.2 Cleveland Central 29.0 53.0 -- +454 +5715 +39680 +382919 >+999999
-4.7 -0.2 Charlotte Southeast 30.6 51.4 +249900 +323 +4127 +32337 +266231 >+999999
-4.9 -1.1 Boston Atlantic 28.4 53.6 +2949 +551 +5682 +57068 +556476 >+999999
-6.0 -1.0 Milwaukee Central 24.7 57.3 -- +1349 +20206 +140656 >+999999 >+999999
-6.6 -0.9 Philadelphia Atlantic 26.7 55.3 +6150 +992 +14700 +171462 >+999999 >+999999
-7.6 0.3 Utah Northwest 18.2 63.8 -- -- -- -- -- --