NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
8.0 -0.1 Golden State Pacific 60.7 21.3 -790 -9424 -468 -157 +140 +266
6.7 0.8 Boston Atlantic 58.7 23.3 -131 -8991 -484 -149 +157 +388
5.0 0.0 Toronto Atlantic 54.5 27.5 +226 -3126 -245 +136 +351 +885
4.6 -0.1 Utah Northwest 53.0 29.0 +129 -899 -123 +244 +634 +1263
4.3 -1.7 Houston Southwest 51.0 31.0 +136 -626 +101 +302 +765 +1550
3.4 1.7 New Orleans Southwest 50.1 31.9 +152 -532 +128 +403 +1102 +2376
3.3 0.5 Denver Northwest 49.2 32.8 +298 -442 +142 +440 +1166 +2509
3.0 1.3 Indiana Central 49.8 32.2 -104 -1019 -114 +299 +800 +2249
3.0 -0.8 Philadelphia Atlantic 49.5 32.5 +715 -862 -104 +328 +882 +2464
2.5 0.1 Okla City Northwest 46.9 35.1 +476 -266 +209 +656 +1834 +4193
1.9 0.0 LA Lakers Pacific 44.9 37.1 +938 -190 +262 +821 +2286 +5164
1.8 0.0 Milwaukee Central 47.4 34.6 +177 -612 +141 +501 +1440 +4464
1.6 0.0 Washington Southeast 46.2 35.8 -144 -461 +157 +541 +1511 +4535
1.2 0.0 San Antonio Southwest 43.9 38.1 +534 -159 +344 +1140 +3419 +8571
0.8 0.0 Minnesota Northwest 41.8 40.2 +1303 -103 +476 +1550 +4599 +11868
0.3 0.0 Portland Northwest 40.9 41.1 +1397 +109 +535 +1757 +5305 +13612
-0.9 -0.2 Miami Southeast 38.9 43.1 +383 -116 +521 +1907 +6208 +25849
-1.1 -0.2 Detroit Central 39.0 43.0 +924 -122 +519 +1985 +6556 +26971
-2.0 0.0 Charlotte Southeast 35.8 46.2 +651 +144 +877 +3405 +12461 +56134
-2.3 -0.5 LA Clippers Pacific 34.1 47.9 +10889 +401 +2232 +8745 +34479 +122245
-3.2 1.3 Phoenix Pacific 32.2 49.8 +16849 +584 +3576 +14789 +59424 +195977
-3.3 -1.3 Dallas Southwest 31.0 51.0 +9515 +728 +4089 +16151 +62556 +235180
-3.4 0.2 Brooklyn Atlantic 32.4 49.6 +31150 +292 +1905 +8011 +32596 +172224
-3.7 -1.3 Memphis Southwest 30.5 51.5 +9424 +830 +4951 +20145 +80447 +295783
-3.9 0.2 Orlando Southeast 32.1 49.9 +1388 +296 +1973 +8984 +37183 +195312
-3.9 0.0 Cleveland Central 30.9 51.1 +5550 +368 +2483 +11091 +47631 +264298
-4.9 0.0 Chicago Central 29.2 52.8 +6893 +516 +3570 +14916 +62987 +319575
-4.9 0.9 New York Atlantic 29.2 52.8 +249900 +563 +4125 +19753 +95518 +642371
-5.7 0.1 Sacramento Pacific 25.5 56.5 +90809 +2894 +20804 +90215 +408039 >+999999
-8.3 -0.9 Atlanta Southeast 20.5 61.5 +34383 +4364 +54294 +306044 >+999999 >+999999