NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
6.5 -0.8 Miami Southeast 58.2 23.8 -625 -5456 -403 -127 +181 +413
5.6 0.2 San Antonio Southwest 56.2 25.8 +122 -1648 -174 +161 +354 +666
4.7 -0.9 LA Clippers Pacific 53.2 28.8 +108 -888 -119 +243 +568 +1135
4.6 1.4 Golden State Pacific 53.1 28.9 +113 -865 -116 +252 +592 +1191
4.4 -0.1 Indiana Central 54.0 28.0 +100 -1869 -191 +168 +431 +1042
4.4 -0.3 Okla City Northwest 52.9 29.1 -175 -812 -113 +258 +608 +1191
4.2 0.1 Houston Southwest 52.1 29.9 +305 -656 +103 +298 +689 +1361
3.8 -0.2 Memphis Southwest 50.4 31.6 +388 -461 +129 +361 +828 +1666
3.6 -0.9 Chicago Central 51.4 30.6 +192 -1063 -130 +245 +621 +1541
3.4 -0.5 Brooklyn Atlantic 50.4 31.6 -102 -809 -116 +273 +687 +1717
2.4 0.1 New York Atlantic 48.1 33.9 +158 -556 +124 +409 +1089 +2916
1.8 -0.4 Denver Northwest 45.1 36.9 +344 -182 +277 +838 +2202 +5068
1.1 0.4 Dallas Southwest 43.6 38.4 +1150 -156 +348 +1050 +2692 +6197
-0.4 0.7 Detroit Central 40.5 41.5 +1345 -145 +393 +1388 +4066 +12459
-0.5 0.5 Cleveland Central 40.7 41.3 +1233 -142 +396 +1347 +3823 +12161
-0.8 -0.3 Minnesota Northwest 38.4 43.6 +925 +153 +797 +2722 +8466 +23913
-0.9 -0.4 Atlanta Southeast 38.6 43.4 +1349 -106 +495 +1674 +4996 +16351
-1.6 -0.7 Washington Southeast 37.2 44.8 +1725 +117 +641 +2267 +7082 +24852
-1.7 -0.2 New Orleans Southwest 35.4 46.6 +5782 +254 +1289 +4497 +14805 +44721
-1.8 0.1 Toronto Atlantic 36.3 45.7 +1169 +130 +704 +2605 +8303 +31290
-2.2 -0.4 LA Lakers Pacific 34.7 47.3 +3965 +306 +1767 +6393 +20798 +67492
-3.0 -1.2 Portland Northwest 31.8 50.2 +3085 +468 +2399 +8540 +27203 +86021
-3.2 0.4 Sacramento Pacific 32.2 49.8 +5276 +440 +2788 +10690 +39440 +144578
-3.4 0.2 Milwaukee Central 31.8 50.2 +7476 +308 +1785 +7015 +26437 +127019
-3.9 -0.1 Boston Atlantic 30.6 51.4 +4286 +352 +2174 +8298 +28776 +119542
-4.6 -0.1 Charlotte Southeast 28.6 53.4 +12095 +492 +2946 +12000 +42771 +178787
-5.1 0.3 Utah Northwest 26.5 55.5 +11011 +1262 +8384 +39123 +179002 +814426
-5.4 0.6 Orlando Southeast 26.6 55.4 +16567 +833 +5541 +25300 +95400 +535145
-5.4 1.2 Phoenix Pacific 26.3 55.7 +17757 +1362 +8965 +34870 +137499 +523791
-6.5 1.4 Philadelphia Atlantic 25.0 57.0 +17141 +1071 +7678 +38754 +199774 >+999999