NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
6.5 -0.8 Miami Southeast 57.8 24.2 -739 -5998 -440 -134 +175 +368
5.0 0.5 Indiana Central 55.7 26.3 -164 -3045 -259 +127 +329 +714
5.0 -0.6 LA Clippers Pacific 54.3 27.7 -110 -1333 -155 +182 +410 +858
4.7 0.6 Houston Southwest 54.0 28.0 +167 -1079 -135 +212 +481 +1019
4.6 -0.8 San Antonio Southwest 53.6 28.4 +174 -1034 -134 +212 +474 +1005
4.5 1.3 Golden State Pacific 53.3 28.7 +121 -882 -127 +221 +513 +1090
3.4 -0.5 Brooklyn Atlantic 50.8 31.2 -112 -1031 -132 +258 +676 +1542
3.0 -1.6 Chicago Central 49.1 32.9 +287 -735 -107 +318 +834 +1984
2.7 -2.0 Okla City Northwest 48.0 34.0 +123 -324 +162 +461 +1106 +2520
2.5 -1.4 Memphis Southwest 47.0 35.0 +652 -267 +193 +547 +1303 +3031
2.3 0.1 New York Atlantic 47.9 34.1 +175 -537 +123 +406 +1086 +2609
1.8 1.1 Dallas Southwest 45.9 36.1 +765 -227 +244 +713 +1807 +4545
0.9 1.5 Minnesota Northwest 43.9 38.1 +292 -150 +332 +1020 +2754 +7350
0.1 -2.1 Denver Northwest 39.6 42.4 +644 +136 +574 +1686 +4359 +11236
-0.2 1.6 Portland Northwest 40.7 41.3 +532 +107 +567 +1875 +5432 +15676
-0.2 0.8 Detroit Central 40.6 41.4 +1237 -163 +362 +1301 +4025 +12144
-0.5 -0.1 Atlanta Southeast 39.9 42.1 +1255 -133 +425 +1537 +4765 +14502
-1.4 0.5 Toronto Atlantic 37.6 44.4 +1163 +102 +593 +2316 +7896 +26696
-1.6 -0.6 Cleveland Central 36.9 45.1 +2949 +120 +706 +2676 +8859 +28577
-2.0 -0.5 New Orleans Southwest 34.4 47.6 +8097 +326 +1643 +5526 +17395 +56548
-2.3 -0.6 LA Lakers Pacific 34.0 48.0 +7146 +402 +2099 +7231 +23226 +75674
-2.7 -1.8 Washington Southeast 33.4 48.6 +3837 +225 +1250 +5179 +19264 +73929
-3.4 0.3 Milwaukee Central 32.0 50.0 +8233 +287 +1708 +7339 +29540 +133646
-3.6 2.3 Orlando Southeast 31.6 50.4 +7043 +327 +2094 +9554 +39944 +207509
-3.7 -0.1 Sacramento Pacific 30.3 51.7 +17757 +816 +4882 +19754 +70925 +257836
-4.7 -0.9 Boston Atlantic 27.8 54.2 +12721 +653 +4097 +19241 +86258 +413391
-4.7 3.2 Philadelphia Atlantic 30.8 51.2 +4573 +345 +2576 +13719 +58227 +250874
-5.2 1.4 Phoenix Pacific 27.4 54.6 +27678 +1248 +8489 +38303 +168649 +712025
-5.3 -0.8 Charlotte Southeast 27.0 55.0 +16567 +777 +5249 +27791 +137767 +807111
-5.5 -0.1 Utah Northwest 24.6 57.4 +20733 +2912 +17148 +65256 +285151 +962782