NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
6.2 -1.1 Miami Southeast 57.3 24.7 -641 -5518 -456 -144 +170 +389
5.1 0.6 Indiana Central 56.2 25.8 -188 -4325 -312 +102 +262 +594
5.0 -0.6 LA Clippers Pacific 54.3 27.7 -112 -1088 -148 +188 +416 +823
4.7 0.6 Houston Southwest 53.9 28.1 +167 -931 -131 +216 +490 +976
4.6 -0.8 San Antonio Southwest 53.6 28.4 +175 -953 -131 +216 +489 +974
4.5 1.3 Golden State Pacific 53.3 28.7 +124 -873 -123 +228 +512 +1005
2.9 -1.7 Chicago Central 48.9 33.1 +326 -738 -114 +294 +765 +1899
2.5 -1.4 Memphis Southwest 47.0 35.0 +668 -255 +202 +565 +1345 +2879
2.5 -2.2 Okla City Northwest 47.6 34.4 +169 -287 +187 +540 +1320 +2899
2.0 2.6 Minnesota Northwest 47.5 34.5 +177 -292 +209 +636 +1651 +3825
1.8 1.1 Dallas Southwest 45.8 36.2 +735 -207 +248 +706 +1768 +4042
1.5 -2.3 Brooklyn Atlantic 45.5 36.5 +135 -389 +144 +494 +1388 +3778
1.4 -0.9 New York Atlantic 44.8 37.2 +159 -345 +159 +538 +1475 +4037
0.1 -2.1 Denver Northwest 39.5 42.5 +717 +145 +595 +1715 +4543 +11519
0.0 1.0 Detroit Central 41.5 40.5 +1233 -186 +295 +1036 +3140 +10020
-0.2 1.6 Portland Northwest 40.7 41.3 +609 +120 +597 +1874 +5257 +13648
-0.6 -0.1 Atlanta Southeast 39.3 42.7 +1353 -130 +382 +1327 +4059 +13862
-1.4 0.5 Toronto Atlantic 37.7 44.3 +614 +103 +533 +2042 +6883 +27002
-1.7 -0.7 Cleveland Central 36.6 45.4 +3397 +131 +675 +2421 +7972 +27226
-1.9 4.1 Orlando Southeast 36.9 45.1 +2363 +126 +700 +2771 +9854 +40168
-1.9 -0.4 New Orleans Southwest 34.8 47.2 +8521 +325 +1600 +5347 +16848 +55356
-2.3 -0.6 LA Lakers Pacific 34.4 47.6 +6657 +393 +2140 +7475 +25296 +87465
-2.5 -1.6 Washington Southeast 33.7 48.3 +4662 +219 +1089 +4122 +13632 +51114
-3.5 0.2 Milwaukee Central 31.7 50.3 +11011 +308 +1726 +7001 +26149 +111394
-3.7 -0.1 Sacramento Pacific 30.2 51.8 +12721 +860 +4540 +16260 +55340 +188735
-4.7 3.2 Philadelphia Atlantic 30.8 51.2 +2790 +377 +2442 +12141 +52641 +218973
-4.8 -1.0 Boston Atlantic 27.1 54.9 +6567 +756 +4280 +18134 +77544 +456642
-4.9 1.8 Phoenix Pacific 27.9 54.1 +33233 +1406 +8996 +34243 +127639 +495709
-5.3 -0.8 Charlotte Southeast 27.0 55.0 +21639 +732 +4994 +25322 +125816 +840960
-5.5 -0.1 Utah Northwest 24.5 57.5 +24900 +3278 +19438 +81072 +319895 >+999999