NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
6.2 -1.2 Miami Southeast 57.1 24.9 -666 -7146 -463 -145 +169 +403
6.1 0.5 LA Clippers Pacific 57.4 24.6 -121 -2546 -236 +123 +279 +534
5.6 2.4 Golden State Pacific 56.1 25.9 +127 -1801 -185 +157 +359 +680
5.1 0.6 Indiana Central 56.2 25.8 -176 -3998 -313 +102 +260 +617
4.6 -0.8 San Antonio Southwest 53.5 28.5 +134 -878 -127 +226 +528 +1037
3.6 -0.5 Houston Southwest 50.8 31.2 +249 -561 +122 +365 +894 +1848
2.8 -1.8 Chicago Central 48.7 33.3 +314 -717 -112 +293 +753 +1937
2.5 -2.2 Okla City Northwest 47.5 34.5 +160 -280 +190 +575 +1441 +3136
2.3 -1.7 Memphis Southwest 46.5 35.5 +606 -248 +227 +683 +1753 +3934
1.9 2.5 Minnesota Northwest 46.7 35.3 +194 -256 +233 +740 +1953 +4487
1.7 1.0 Dallas Southwest 45.4 36.6 +658 -205 +273 +824 +2154 +4883
1.5 -2.3 Brooklyn Atlantic 45.5 36.5 +126 -435 +137 +475 +1354 +4048
1.3 -0.9 New York Atlantic 44.8 37.2 +160 -334 +164 +572 +1620 +4829
0.1 -2.1 Denver Northwest 39.5 42.5 +701 +150 +625 +1845 +4940 +12139
0.0 1.0 Detroit Central 41.5 40.5 +1166 -207 +278 +977 +2928 +9800
-0.2 1.6 Portland Northwest 40.7 41.3 +581 +115 +595 +2026 +6292 +17275
-0.6 -0.1 Atlanta Southeast 39.4 42.6 +1316 -124 +398 +1401 +4440 +16256
-1.4 0.5 Toronto Atlantic 37.8 44.2 +627 +103 +533 +1967 +6458 +24515
-1.6 -0.6 Cleveland Central 37.4 44.6 +3397 +111 +621 +2386 +8072 +34373
-1.9 -0.4 New Orleans Southwest 34.8 47.2 +7713 +357 +1880 +6659 +24061 +75365
-1.9 4.1 Orlando Southeast 36.9 45.1 +2560 +122 +709 +2760 +9745 +41412
-2.1 -0.4 LA Lakers Pacific 34.9 47.1 +12721 +374 +1951 +6912 +23601 +73910
-2.6 -1.7 Washington Southeast 33.5 48.5 +5335 +212 +1115 +4220 +15580 +73420
-3.5 0.2 Milwaukee Central 31.8 50.2 +7837 +297 +1608 +6624 +26428 +137334
-3.5 0.1 Sacramento Pacific 30.7 51.3 +24900 +776 +4158 +15881 +56887 +168373
-4.6 -0.8 Boston Atlantic 27.7 54.3 +4802 +706 +4030 +17267 +75152 +463527
-4.9 1.7 Phoenix Pacific 27.8 54.2 +62400 +1388 +10296 +46962 +207929 +904426
-5.4 -0.9 Charlotte Southeast 26.9 55.1 +24900 +770 +4528 +19352 +89941 +599668
-5.6 -0.2 Utah Northwest 24.2 57.8 +26216 +3659 +22918 +99789 +451928 >+999999
-5.6 2.2 Philadelphia Atlantic 28.2 53.8 +6150 +722 +5194 +26858 +131359 +909222