NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
6.5 -0.1 Miami Southeast 58.3 23.7 -706 -12400 -562 -167 +167 +381
6.3 1.9 Indiana Central 59.7 22.3 -509 -16029 -567 -166 +170 +381
6.2 1.7 Golden State Pacific 58.2 23.8 -165 -4364 -295 +103 +230 +477
5.3 0.6 LA Clippers Pacific 54.5 27.5 +172 -1966 -187 +164 +378 +812
4.3 -1.3 San Antonio Southwest 53.2 28.8 +125 -1202 -130 +239 +598 +1332
3.8 -0.4 Houston Southwest 51.2 30.8 +205 -823 +100 +311 +782 +1828
3.2 -1.1 Okla City Northwest 50.1 31.9 -131 -557 +123 +381 +965 +2187
2.0 -1.4 Brooklyn Atlantic 46.8 35.2 -144 -558 +112 +448 +1329 +3668
2.0 -1.7 Chicago Central 46.1 35.9 +856 -469 +127 +471 +1361 +3606
1.8 0.7 Dallas Southwest 45.8 36.2 +628 -238 +249 +785 +2159 +5822
1.2 2.0 Minnesota Northwest 44.5 37.5 +298 -191 +309 +1035 +2946 +8172
0.8 -2.9 Memphis Southwest 41.9 40.1 +1472 -113 +438 +1332 +3779 +10332
0.2 -2.1 New York Atlantic 41.0 41.0 +282 -172 +279 +1071 +3395 +10594
-0.2 0.7 Atlanta Southeast 40.3 41.7 +1975 -155 +353 +1423 +4740 +16057
-0.4 0.0 Detroit Central 40.0 42.0 +2491 -145 +358 +1404 +4679 +16059
-0.6 -2.4 Denver Northwest 37.6 44.4 +1055 +183 +867 +2802 +8368 +24695
-0.9 4.4 Orlando Southeast 39.9 42.1 +1933 -142 +420 +1804 +6597 +23944
-1.0 0.7 New Orleans Southwest 37.5 44.5 +3806 +200 +1064 +3679 +12404 +42276
-1.2 1.8 Portland Northwest 37.6 44.4 +978 +182 +948 +3436 +11150 +38633
-1.7 -1.2 Cleveland Central 36.7 45.3 +7476 +133 +727 +3147 +12502 +54599
-1.7 -0.1 Washington Southeast 36.3 45.7 +4617 +142 +724 +2988 +11581 +47709
-1.8 0.1 Toronto Atlantic 36.0 46.0 +773 +144 +729 +3093 +11160 +46014
-2.2 -0.1 LA Lakers Pacific 35.2 46.8 +22627 +332 +2088 +8408 +33422 +137864
-3.3 0.2 Milwaukee Central 32.6 49.4 +12721 +281 +1567 +6700 +28507 +127170
-3.5 2.0 Phoenix Pacific 32.2 49.8 +29312 +578 +4057 +16809 +66778 +279697
-3.9 -0.7 Sacramento Pacific 29.1 52.9 +62400 +1111 +6119 +24535 +91392 +342785
-4.2 0.4 Charlotte Southeast 31.0 51.0 +18419 +384 +2731 +13988 +73147 +461579
-4.4 -0.5 Boston Atlantic 28.4 53.6 +4900 +652 +3887 +20075 +93535 +508393
-6.2 -1.1 Utah Northwest 22.5 59.5 +45355 +6749 +47581 +209689 +935663 >+999999
-6.5 0.0 Philadelphia Atlantic 25.8 56.2 +7363 +1341 +10348 +67016 +425601 >+999999