NOTE: We expect to have NBA Predictive Ratings and Season Predictions for this year published by Monday, October 14th.

  Predicted Record Regular Season Result Postseason Odds
Rating 1 Week Change Team Division Wins Losses Win Division Make Playoffs Make 2nd Round Make Conf Finals Make NBA Finals Win Title
6.6 0.1 Miami Southeast 58.7 23.3 -852 -19131 -628 -179 +153 +344
6.2 1.6 Golden State Pacific 57.8 24.2 -167 -4210 -283 +109 +246 +517
6.0 1.6 Indiana Central 59.2 22.8 -406 -26216 -547 -152 +193 +435
5.2 0.2 LA Clippers Pacific 54.2 27.8 +177 -1692 -168 +179 +410 +868
4.4 -1.4 San Antonio Southwest 53.8 28.2 +101 -1513 -142 +222 +550 +1220
3.8 1.0 Okla City Northwest 52.0 30.0 -165 -886 -105 +298 +745 +1682
3.7 -0.6 Houston Southwest 50.9 31.1 +223 -716 +106 +327 +804 +1855
2.9 -0.8 Chicago Central 48.6 33.4 +521 -842 -120 +330 +924 +2361
1.6 -1.8 Brooklyn Atlantic 45.2 36.8 +110 -409 +142 +562 +1710 +4867
1.5 0.5 Dallas Southwest 44.6 37.4 +851 -197 +307 +961 +2615 +7101
1.5 0.5 Minnesota Northwest 45.7 36.3 +291 -250 +261 +882 +2467 +6957
0.8 -1.6 New York Atlantic 43.0 39.0 +187 -285 +201 +804 +2506 +7596
0.8 -2.6 Memphis Southwest 41.9 40.1 +1589 -107 +469 +1433 +3980 +10907
-0.3 0.4 Atlanta Southeast 39.9 42.1 +1958 -155 +359 +1425 +4712 +15918
-0.6 2.7 New Orleans Southwest 38.7 43.3 +3397 +161 +903 +3071 +10073 +35159
-0.7 0.5 Portland Northwest 39.1 42.9 +1102 +157 +830 +2999 +9627 +31837
-0.9 -0.8 Detroit Central 38.2 43.8 +3837 -106 +516 +2055 +7099 +24994
-1.3 -1.3 Denver Northwest 35.3 46.7 +2477 +311 +1550 +5063 +15818 +48442
-1.3 1.4 Washington Southeast 37.9 44.1 +3497 +100 +574 +2517 +9070 +33405
-1.5 2.3 Orlando Southeast 37.8 44.2 +3746 +104 +626 +2721 +11306 +49056
-1.5 0.6 Toronto Atlantic 36.4 45.6 +758 +131 +691 +3147 +12220 +47881
-2.6 -0.4 LA Lakers Pacific 33.9 48.1 +23710 +457 +2941 +11787 +48226 +203414
-2.7 -1.7 Cleveland Central 33.4 48.6 +23710 +246 +1423 +6721 +30037 +160993
-2.8 2.5 Phoenix Pacific 34.5 47.5 +12095 +376 +2440 +9734 +37488 +154801
-3.3 -0.6 Milwaukee Central 32.6 49.4 +13789 +263 +1475 +6875 +27947 +122763
-3.9 0.7 Boston Atlantic 30.2 51.8 +2757 +445 +2651 +12861 +57719 +306661
-4.4 -0.7 Sacramento Pacific 27.5 54.5 +99900 +1654 +10089 +40407 +180410 >+999999
-4.7 -0.7 Charlotte Southeast 29.3 52.7 +38362 +589 +4288 +23278 +130951 +832582
-5.4 -0.1 Philadelphia Atlantic 28.9 53.1 +4210 +644 +4980 +29422 +176750 >+999999
-6.9 -1.6 Utah Northwest 20.9 61.1 +499900 +13414 +107734 +582632 >+999999 >+999999